The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72516   Message #1252438
Posted By: PoppaGator
20-Aug-04 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: A Martin or a Gibson?
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson?
I'd log out and post a message as "Stella National," but it's too much trouble.

Never played, or much wanted, a Stella, but I know that the recording companies provided them for use by many of the great blues players, figuring they were better instruments than whatever the guys owned themselves.

I've never had enough disposable income to suffer from "G.A.S.," and my 1969 Martin D-18 (which I got new for about $450 upon college graduation) has always been enough for me. Well, almost always; the *one* f guitar I've truly coveted as a second instrument has always been a National steel.

Also -- it's been mentioned briefly already by "GUEST, Maton Guild" -- that big round-bodied Guild is a really nice guitar, with a bog bright tone. Don't know about any other Guild models, but they produced at least one real winner.

Never heard of a Maton, though -- care to elaborate?