The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72620   Message #1252718
Posted By: Barry T
20-Aug-04 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: Jigs Reels and Hornpipes for Tin Whistle
Subject: RE: Jigs Reels and Hornpipes for Tin Whistle
I knew I had that one somewhere in my midi collection, Alice. I could play it from memory, but it drove me nuts trying to remember its name. 'Finally found it... The Rambler's Hornpipe. As is so often the case with these tunes, it's probably known by a dozen other titles... in two languages!

Sky-Coyote: If you get your hands on some sequencing software you can download, transpose and print any of the midi files from my tunebook. I haven't added many new sequences lately, but there's a fair number of French-Canadian and Acadian tunes in the collection. Help yourself!

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