The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1253157
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Aug-04 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
Plenty of people can detect auras, not just Two Bears. I have a very limited ability (at present) to see auras...under dim lighting conditions when I'm quite relaxed, and I am usually not expecting it when it happens. I've met any number of people who are way better at it than I am. No, I don't think they were lying about it. Unlike the Unamazing Randi, they are not making money out of this area of inquiry, they are not using it for professional purposes, they are not using it for personal glorification, publicity or fame. Nor are they doing it to attack or discredit other people, as the Unamazing Randi is presently using his no doubt considerable talents and abilities. They just have the ability, that's some people have the ability to accurately identify the pitch of any musical note, while others (most of us) only have relative pitch, and still others are tone deaf.