The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72600   Message #1253241
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
22-Aug-04 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members?
Subject: RE: BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members?
Further thought has recalled to mind something relevant.

Back in the 1970's I was involved in Computing Study at University, ending up on Computing Advisory Committees, and President of the Local Student Computing Club (started in the mainframe days and which went defunct when Personal Computers became the big thing!).

The Computing Centre System Programmers & the Centre Manager had a relevant word of wisdom.

When the first multi-player games (created originally as Doctoral Thesis subject materials!) began to circulate on the mainframes, everybody, including especially the system programmers just HAD to spend hours getting thru them. You didn't get such jobs if you were intellectually deficient, by the way, so they were smart cookies!

There was only one thing to be done to deal with the situation. Yes, people were spending work time playing! But the only workable managerial response was...

"They will get sick of it in time and get back to work. Ranting and raving will only piss them off and the cleverest ones will get a job elsewhere, and we'll be left with the less clever ones. Leave them alone!"