The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72521 Message #1253549
Posted By: Charley Noble
22-Aug-04 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: August Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Subject: RE: August Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Blub, blub!
Judy and I arrived at the Royal River Gooch Island Exciles Encampment in time to give Kendall and Mary hugs, sing a couple of verses of "Waterbound and We Can't Get Home", before they waded off to drier space.
There was an amazing layer of mud under the shelter to slide around on as Nor and Eli made us welcome with hamburgers, brownies, and a thermos of rum. There was constant rain, sheets and sheets of it, sometimes with thunder and lightning. One of my enduring memories is of the fountain in the park about a hundred yards away, which was actually a storm sewer cover with a release valve; it was a constant source of astonishment for the occasional dog lopping by.
Long about 6 pm everything cleared off and there was a magnificant sunset, and other people began to show up. Someone even brought a chess board so I got to vanquish several opponents, channeling my father's chess prowess. Then we dug our instruments out of various garbage bags and spent a couple of hours singing.
We bundled everything up at 11 pm and went our weary ways home.