The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1255124
Posted By: Dewey
24-Aug-04 - 05:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
"Matter and Spirit"

But the question may be wrong, as well as the concept. I put my faith in the infinite devine intelligents of God. I am, (as well is every esle on this message board) A complete idiot. Sorry folks if this offends but that's just the way it is.

Try listening to the universal mind and a loving god for answers, not to your science books and your preconcieved notions, you'll learn little more than what you do now. You'll be amazed by the results when you trust in the infinite. (The infinite mind of God works through you, it is NOT you becoming part of the God-head, That is not my opinion on the matter but my EXPERIENCE in the revelations I received.

The mysteries of the Universe we recieve belong to GOD, The Apostle Paul understood this (1 Corinthians 13:1-2) Sorry, if the Bible offends the educated gathered here, but please remember like most spiritual books it too was written from the creative consciousness) Also, one does not have to be educated to contact the higher-consciousness, sometimes the individual that know the least about the subject discovers the most!!! I learned about God and knowledge beyond my grasp) not through my own doing, but through my own faith in a loving God. Heck, sometimes I din't even know the meanings of words I had written and had to look them up in the dictionary to discovery what the infinite mind had said. but one thing that I always did do was LISTEN and humbly, From there I recognized that the inifinite had my best interest and development at heart, not only for me, but for mankind as well.

The mysteries of the Universe (if they come at all) come THROUGH YOU, NOT BY YOU. It is not a me-centered world, it is a God centered world and he know all (Mysteries, your personality, intelligents (or lack of it) etc.

He knows also about nature, as he created it. We are complete peons yet he loves us enough to occassionally give us a peep at the insight we seek, the Creative Consciousness (infinite mind) is perfect because it CREATES. If any of you discover it for yourself you'll know just exactly what I am talking about. If you don't you'll either laugh, or foolishly think you can discover God's secret or mysteries on your own. Or worst yet, actually think you can become God.

There is one thing I am certain of: There is a God, it isn't me, and it isn't you either.
