The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72516   Message #1255366
Posted By: GUEST
24-Aug-04 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: A Martin or a Gibson?
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson?
Fred, sorry ...I don't understand your question about tuning up a fifth with a small Tacoma. I don't own one, just heard one once at a concert in the hands of an (unknown) fellow who knew how to play, and I was duly impressed. I also think they are pretty guitars, esthetically speaking. I really liked the tone, and that is all I'm basing my comments on, having not ever played one myself.

You are right, I don't like the "high and bright" sound very much. I like "warm and rich" better. That is, if any of these descriptive words have any meaning for anyone else but me.

Neil Young said he liked dead strings on his Martin because new strings sounded too bright. I suppose his acoustic recordings describes the sound I like also.   

My uncle has a baby Taylor that sounds pretty good. My cousin has a bigger Taylor (sorry, don't know the model) that he's had for years and just last month I picked it up and plucked around on it. No denying it has a good feel, good tone - just not the tone I would shell out thousands of dollars for. Diff'rent strokes.