The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70681   Message #1255811
Posted By: The Shambles
24-Aug-04 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: A little more news on Licensing
Subject: RE: A little more news on Licensing
The following from Hamish Birchall

The Government will claim tomorrow that a survey conducted on behalf of the Live Music Forum shows:

almost half (47 per cent) of pubs, clubs, student unions and restaurants have put on live acts at least once in the past year

a fifth (19 per cent) of the venues staged live music regularly - at least twice a month

more than half (55 per cent) of venues who put on music do it because
customers demand it; but many potential venues have not thought about putting on live music despite the changes in the new licensing laws

1600 licensees of 'small venues' were interviewed. The data so far released, however, does not discriminate between currently exempt 'two in a bar' gigs, and gigs by three or more musicians. Without that information it is impossible to say anything meaningful about the live band scene in bars,clubs, restaurants etc. However, that hasn't stopped ministers' spin.

A DCMS press release announcing the survey includes the following quote by licensing Minister Richard Caborn:
'From the Beatles to Blur we have a live music heritage to be proud of. This survey shows that heritage is alive and well with a flourishing music scene - an estimated 1.7 million gigs were staged in the past year alone in bars, clubs and restaurants whose main business isn't putting on live music.

'The new Licensing laws will create more opportunities for budding
musicians, but the survey shows that there are many potential venues who have not thought about putting on live bands. We need to encourage them to do so and show them that the licensing changes will make staging live music easier so that they are ready to embrace the new law when it comes in next year.'

The recently published DCMS newsletter on licensing (available from the entertainment section of the DCMS website: claimed that the response to the MU's live music leaflet had been 'overwhelming'. The MU told me this afternoon that the last time they checked the Freepost returns, about 400 had been received, of which an unspecified proportion is from licensees. Over 30,000 leaflets were sent to members.