The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72754   Message #1256366
Posted By: GUEST,8:58
25-Aug-04 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Open Letter to Nader Supporters (and others)
Subject: RE: BS: Open Letter to Nader Supporters (and oth

LarryK, NO ONE has suggested the violent overthrow of the US government in this thread, and I challenge you to prove that anyone did with a direct quote. To suggest that organizing political protests to make the nation ungovernable in an election year is not advocating the overthrow of the US government. I'm not talking about rioting. I'm talking about non-cooperation with police orders. Sit downs, sit ins, running away from police and surfacing in a different location, non-violent legally unsanctioned marches, those sorts of protest assemblies.

Protests in the streets are constitutionally protected rights in the US. Maybe you could get your hands on a copy of the Constitution, brush up on the Bill of Rights, that sort of thing, before you leap wholly uninformed and blindly ignorant into these sorts of conversations.

Freedom of assembly is a key right in any democracy, and is intrinsically tied to freedom of speech. Countries where freedom of assembly as a means of publicly protesting government policies isn't allowed, are known as totalitarian dictatorships.