The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72778   Message #1256820
Posted By: Cluin
25-Aug-04 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: We've lost a good one
Subject: RE: BS: We've lost a good one
Yes, Jerry is a good one. I'm sorry he's decided to go; he had a lot to contribute. But if the place was getting to him that much, I'm glad he decided to avoid the irritation. Maybe he'll return in which case I hope he enjoys the break. If not, then I'm the richer for his posts here.

At the same time, if he didn't want to announce his leaving, why did you do it, jimmyt? Seems like you've crossed a line here. I sure wouldn't trust you with a secret. Not that I would anybody on the Internet, bosom cyberpal or no.