The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72814   Message #1258094
Posted By: robomatic
27-Aug-04 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...
Subject: RE: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...

I don't agree with your analysis of the situation, but as I grew up and read up a bit on Barry Goldwater, my opinion went up from my childish view of him as 'stupid enemy man'. The campaign to vilify him was tough hard politics of the kind we are seeing now against Kerry.

I never understood the brilliance of Ronald Reagon either. After the recent gooey lovefest for his ghost that was indulged in by a coupla republicans, I'm convinced that they didn't understand it either.

Sometimes it's luck.

oh, back to the subject of the thread. Sometimes it takes different personality traits to get elected and to serve. We've seen Bush in action and I hope we can do better. Put simply, I do not think Bush is evil, indifferent, or even stupid. I think however that we are in an era where we need GREAT leadership. I submit that he (along with his crew) hasn't risen to the occassion 'enough'. I have doubts that Kerry is 'great' but I'm willing to try. I may not be understanding you properly, but your message to me is that you think the two parties are too alike. I agree that there is a lot of similarity, but I think Bush hasn't been taking care of business as well as Clinton did (between interns when he wasn't between intern).

I think the odds are for Bush to be re-elected. The fact that Europe won't like it makes it more likely.