The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72814   Message #1258153
Posted By: Bobert
27-Aug-04 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...
Subject: RE: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...
Well, Ron, the longest journey begins with a single step. Hey, ya gotta start somewhere. Someone is going to have to step in as martyr and throw out some ideas that can fix this terrible partisan dictitoral mess that we've created... I mean I find it shocking that a committee chairman head would ask the Capitol police to remove the members of the opposing party from conference. But that has occured in the last couple of years. The system is broken.

Now, let me clarify me position as to the outcome of the '04 election. While it would be nice to be rid of Bush and his cronies, at least right now, I can't bring myself to vote *for* Kerry. I've spent my entire life either voting for folks who had little chance of winning or voting *against* someone. Ya know what? It doesn't look mush like I'm going to have but only two choices on the Wes Ginny ballot come Novemeber. No Greens. No Nadar. So I'm thinking "Hey, Bobert, are you gonna stand in a one hour line to vote against someone, especially when that someone can't even throw the progressives a bone or two?" And the answer is, "No."

Like in 2000, inspite of the Bush theft, the Dems arrogance toward the progressives was appauling. I don't wnat to hear the same worn out Democratic rhetoric. I do want to here propopsals. It's easy for Kerry to say he's gonna roll back the big tax break for the richest 2% of Americans becuase it solidifies his base. However, if he were really *planning* on doing it he would tell us how he plans on overcoming a Republican controlled Congress. It's easy to say the United Sates needs intenational cooperation but how's he gonna get it?

I'll tell you what, folks, if Dennis Kucinich had gotten the nomination he would be telling us exactly how he's going to deliver. That's a big difference! That's what progressives are looking for. We've heard the Democatic battle cries far too long. Clinton led them for 8 years but Clinton turned out to be just another Repubocrat. And he had choices because of his popularity. He could have made a difference but choze to leave the rhetoric at the door...

But even beyond the things that Kerry says he believes in, some of which *sound* good, its what he not talking about that concerns a lot of us Greens and progressives. He's not talking about corporate globalization that is moving to privatize everything from water to housing to food. He's not talking about the exploitation of labor. He's not talking about the evilness of the ruling class. He's not talking about the loan shark World Bank and IMF. He;s bnot talking about universal health care.

Now this thread started as a letter to Kerry supporters. It was intended to give you folks some direction in understanding what millions of us *feel* about the Kerry and the Democratic Party. Your arguments shouldn't be pointed back at me but at your party. It has ignored us for 2 decades now and peobably won't be successful until it figures out that it's going to take more than "But look at Bush" arguements to win our support. That's the reality of the situation. We may represent only 3% but you need us if you wanta get yer guy in office. I'd suggest you spend less time arguing with me and more time letting the DNC know that 3% of the population is waiting to be courted... and not bullied...

I mean this very sincerely.
