The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72814   Message #1258354
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
27-Aug-04 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...
Subject: RE: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...
If you want to evaluate what Kerry would get done as president, perhaps you should look at the number of bills and legislature he got through in his 20 years in Congress.   Not a stellar record.

The next question is whether the democrats will take back Congress.   The way the rules are written (thanks to both parties) that is not likely.    In the Senate , 5 democrats are retiring (Breaux, Grham, Miller, Hollins, Edwards) with many in strong repulican states.    Only 2 republicans are retiring (Nichols, Fitzgerald).   In addition the democrats have 19 seats to defend- the republicans only 15.   (same is true in 2006) It is likely the Republicans will keep the Senate.

In the house, very few seats are contested.   Through redistrciting (thanks to both parties) 80% of the house will be reelected by wide margins. Chances are the republicans will retain control.

Therefore- what will Kerry accomplish with a Republican congress?   Sounds a lot like stalemate to me.   That might be a good thing.   Any who expects a progressive agenda will be dissapointed I think.

Sean Hannity did man on the steet interviews from Times Square yesterday.   The first person insisted that it was John "Harny".   The next 9 people all agreed with Sean when he prounounced it "Karny" and said they were supporting "Karny" but couldn't name what "Karny" did for a living or any one of his positions.    Hannity asked them if they knew "Karny's" running mate.   Hannity informed them it was "Stew Ped".   It took 9 people before one corrected him and said it was Edwards.    All of the 9 said they supported "Stew Ped" but couldn't name a single one of his positions either.   One of them (a rapper) stated the reason he didn't like Bush was because everyone knows that Bush had breakfast with Ossama in New York the morning of 9/11.    (Must have been an early breakfast so he had to fly to Florida to meet with the school children)    When I heard that I immediately thought of Bobert.   That kind of conspiracy theory must make you proud.   (were you in Times Square yesterday?)   Very funny if very sad to see the apothy and idiocy of the average public in New York City.