The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14571   Message #125849
Posted By: MMario
20-Oct-99 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #16
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
In case you can't find it amongst the profusion of doors...after all, by my count we now have the main entrance, the back door to the BBQ/picnic area and little possum's room, the north porch, the south porch, "the door", and the stairway up to the reading room; the men's and ladies "restrooms";not to mention the door out into the kitchen and the one into the back storeroom; the doorway to the cellar stairs is the one marked with the "MacIntyre Memorial Stairway" plaque.

It's about time someone came up with a map of this building. It's beginning (beginning? hmmmph!) to get confusing!