The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14542   Message #125903
Posted By: Magpie
20-Oct-99 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: Tablature vs. Defining Your Own Style
Subject: RE: Tablature vs. Defining Your Own Style
Davey, I think you have a good point!

When I learn songs or tunes, I usually start by learning tem from a CD.(Reading music is NOT my strong side). Of course I'll be influenced by the original artist at first, but after having done the number for a while, it becomes "my own". I used to sing a Cat Stevens song on every possible occasion, much the way he did (if that is possible). I lost the album (read:wore it out) and didn't hear the song for years. Then I found it in a store. I bought it, ran home, put the album on, waiting for that special song. And what happened? I hardly recognised it! I had been making small changes for so many years, that there was not much Cat Stevens left, just me.

I'm not ashamed to steal or borrow from other musicians, it's a way to learn more, and to have more ideas to draw from when I try to make my own style.
