The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72310   Message #1259153
Posted By: eerehs
28-Aug-04 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: WHITBY !!
Subject: RE: WHITBY !!
Re: Tap & Spile Front Room Singaround

This is a subject very close to my heart, I am that woman who stands at the door and stops everyone from entering "my front room"

So for all those upset annoyed and or offended people a short lesson
(no sorry to harsh a word) a short introduction to the Tap "etiquette" and "folklore" after which you will hopefully realise that we do not intend to offend when we say "sorry but you can not enter"

Let us take a short trip back to December 1994 when we first opened as the Tap & Spile we were visted be two very nice people who asked us if we would allow them to visit our pub over the new year with "a group of geriatric old codgers who like to sing"(their words) ok said we thinking that they were a couple of carers looking for somewhere to bring their charges for a day out in whitby. HOW WRONG COULD WE BE!

New Year 1994 - enter a wonderful group of people from all over the country who fell in love with our pub and us just as much as we fell in love with them. We had a wonderful few days and as they left to go their various ways they asked if we would mind if they came back to us for Folk Week in August and that was when our front room was given to them as "their" singaround room for folk week.

Since then these wonderful people have become an intergral part of the Tap & Spile - Folk Week - Moor & Coast Festival - New Year, this is a very special time we have a quiz or two a treasure hunt and more singing and new years eve is a themed fancy dress night we close the pub at 5pm and have a regulars only night (invite only) our whitby local regulars and our "folk" regulars have a great night together.
Over the years we have had special birthdays - weddings - births and sadly wakes all of which have cemented us as a "family".            

Anyway back to folk week and that so called "Exclusive" "Egotistical"
Singaround Room - They are more than happy for other people to come along and join them at either the afternoon or evening session and believe me there have been some wonderful sessions involving other singers who have been welcomed into the room - so much so that over the years some of them have enjoyed the room so much they have become part of the group and as such are welcomed back time and time again.

IT is a happy fun loving room - run by loving caring people!

Anyone who takes affront at how things are done here needs to take a step back and remember - this is a semi-private room - not fully closed and sensible restrictions are enforced - TO HOT - TO FULL-
ITS TO LATE - YOUR TO RUDE (unfortunately it happens) Then the dreaded words are uttered "Sorry room closed you can not enter"

Sorry if I have gone on but as I say a subject dear to my heart and as
others have said no-one forces anyone to come to us but those who do
and take the time to get to know us come back year after year and
we all have a wonderful time not only in the singaround in the front room but also in the musicians and singers sessions in the main bar
and in the singing session in the no-smoking room and we all love it when the dance teams come in and strut their stuff for us!

Come on guys lighten up folk week is about having fun and enjoying the wonderful sights and sounds where ever you choose to go and if you can not get into one then there are lots and lots more things going on all around town!