The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40606   Message #1259295
Posted By: GUEST,
29-Aug-04 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: Double Entendre Anyone?
Subject: RE: Double Entendre Anyone?
Confucius say:

> Seven day nonstop honeymoon make whole weak.
> Man with athletic fingers make broad jump.
> Woman with blond hair have black hair, by cracky.
> Virgin much like balloon - one prick, all gone.

These I remember all the way back as a tenth grader in 1962! And it is true - our principal, as did many others in the north end of my home town of Seattle, put a ban on Confucius jokes beause they were "morally corruptive" and not "in keeping with" the kind of thing we "fine, upstanding young men" ought to be party to (and party we did - Confucius jokes took the town by storm!!). Caught once or twice, remandatory trip to the principal's office. Third time, three-day suspension.

Cheers - - the Yankee