The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1259562
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Aug-04 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
There is no "not living" matter, Wolfgang, and that is the fallacy in your argument. Every single atom in existence is alive. That does not mean that a stone is alive in the same way as an animal or a plant, but the atoms that make up the stone are alive. Therefore Two Bears in fact is not in error as you say he is.

Even an atom has a living spirit. It would not exist if it didn't. A group of associated atoms have a group spirit.

But, hey, I know you'll never accept that notion! (grin) I wouldn't have accepted it once either. Nor would Two Bears have accepted it before he had an experience that transformed his outlook.

Wolfgang, there is absolutely nothing in the manifested Universe that is not alive. Life is the norm. "Death" is a name we give to a dramatic change of outer form and function...and the disappearance of a specific bundle of intelligence from obviously inhabiting an individual outer form that we have grown accustomed to observing...or ourselves inhabiting for a period of time.