The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72877   Message #1259587
Posted By: M'Grath of Altcar
29-Aug-04 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Songs about Theda Bara
Subject: Origins: Songs about Theda Bara
My Dad reminded me the other day of the old tale in our family that we are related to the silent movie star Theda Bara. This has long been seen as a bit of a myth in the family.

So I tapped the blood relatives name into Google (Charles Braben) and got hundreds of hits. It turns out he worked for Edison in 1904 as an actor then became an director. Moved to Beverly Hills after getting involved with William (20th Century) Fox. He met Theda Bara in 1919 and they married. So I am related to her albeit distantly. She's my Aunty Theda!!

I've just read the biography of this extraordinary woman and I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of any of the 26 songs that were published about her.

Braben ( My grandads cousin) went on to direct the 1926 version of Ben Hur (11 academy awards) and some of the Fu- Manchu films! Ms Bara virtually retired in 1919 but made a film with Stan Laurel in the twenties.

As I'm sure you can imagine, it would be great to sing a song about her.
