The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72841   Message #1259668
Posted By: Jeanie
30-Aug-04 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: Tech: XP Service Pack 2 - yes or no
Subject: RE: Tech: XP Service Pack 2 - yes or no
Having been caught by a couple of the worms last year, and having been plagued by pop-ups and intruders (one of which did something to make my CD tray open of its own accord !) - all this despite having Norton - I now take on board straight away all the updates that Microsoft offers. On the advice of one of the threads here, I now have the free Google anti-popup toolbar too. So far, so good, and fingers crossed it stays that way. Lovely to be sitting at a clear, uninterrupted screen for the first time in years. Long may that continue.

- jeanie