The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72310   Message #1259686
Posted By: Red and White Rabbit
30-Aug-04 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: WHITBY !!
Subject: RE: WHITBY !!
well guest I am really pleased you found somewhere better - I hope we didnt spoil your week in Whitby and that you enjoyed the rest of your time there. Whitby is about having fun and I would hate to think that our purile entertainment had spoilt it for you. I hope you return to the festival next year with happy memories of what you did do and can seek out the same sorts of venues and people.

I dont think the landlady of the Tap needs to keep custom during folk week running out of beer and three deep at the bar is never a bad sign
I know a lot of people dont like the landlord and land lady of the Tap but they have always been good to me and I can only speak as I find.

I am sure you will manage to avoid us at the other festivals we ruin for you up north or elsewhere in the country. We would try to keep out of your way if we knew who you were but since we dont the onus is on you to avoid us - unless of course you wear a badge that says "angry guest from Whitby Thread"

( Raggy if you carry on with these annonymous inputs to inflame people I will refues to have your babies!)