The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1260143
Posted By: The Shambles
30-Aug-04 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
On this site we appear to have two schools of thought: on one side "I disapprove of censorship, therefore you must let me say whatever I like", and on the other "I disapprove of inappropriate language, therefore you must not say anything that I deem to be inappropriate".

No there is another school of thought that is simply saying that they accept that they do not have any control over the postings of others. They do not wish to have this control nor for anyone else to impose it on their behalf. That they have all the editing tools they require.

That whilst accepting they do not have any right over the postings of others, that their wish would be for others to respect their position. And not to respond in kind or in any way to those whose approach to this freedom is to vandalise and whose actions encourage others to believe that they should have judgement and control over the postings of others and who will in the name of this, erode these precious freedoms.