The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72859   Message #1260314
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
30-Aug-04 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: The jihad must be stopped
Subject: RE: BS: The jihad must be stopped
Although the Democratic Party has always been the party of choice among Jews since the days of FDR, I think we are starting to see a shift to the right. This is particularly true among Orthodox Jews as opposed to the less observant Conservative & Reform Jews. Many of our Rabbis, who in the past have distanced themselves from politics, are now preaching from the Sabbath pulpit that we as Jews are obligated to show our appreciation to Bush for getting rid of Sadaam and supporting Israel by giving him 4 more years. It is going to be difficult for Kerry to counter this because this time, there is no Lieberman on the ticket. SOL ZELLER