The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1261429
Posted By: Ron Davies
01-Sep-04 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Lay off Joe. He is doing an excellent job in a situation requiring an extremely delicate balance. I suspect none of the critics would like to have his job, which comes close to a classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" conundrum. What did Lincoln say about pleasing all of the people all of the time?

Little Hawk--

Wrong. Some people (of both sexes) realize that vulgarisms are stupid, pointless, and show, as I said before, a poverty of vocabulary and intellect. Based on postings I've seen here, I am not the only one who doesn't like them. I've certainly seen others who never use them. The English language may be the richest in the world--why not use it?
The Nader thread was almost 100 long and I realized that only one woman had posted (I believe). It was a reasonable guess on my part that perhaps part of the cause was that it was descending into locker room talk, as I had seen others do. Perhaps it was a wrong guess.


As you should be able to tell, neither the "full of" nor the "rose petals" comments really contribute that much to any discussion. How about actually addressing issues (like Nader etc.) rather than attacking anybody personally? It seems a reasonable request. Foul language and personal attacks are the last refuge of somebody who has no arguments that make sense. If the shoe fits.....

To all--

I've made my views quite clear. I am totally against all censorship on Mudcat, except self-censorship. I am free to appeal for restraint. You are obviously free to ignore me. I read and hear foul language all the time. If there is more to the argument than that I continue reading. If not I stop. It's a waste of my time and everybody else's. There is virtually no foul language in the music threads. There doesn't really have to be here either. But I will not leave the non-music threads, regardless of language or personal attacks, since I believe there are important non-musical issues to be discussed. For the record, I think George Carlin's 7 Dirty Word riff was hilarious.