The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60297   Message #1261576
Posted By: InOBU
01-Sep-04 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
Hiya folks (hullowww Allanabit!)
Let's see, cigarettes... (I don't smoke) lots of religious tracts - mostly born again types no salvationists... a three of hearts from a pack of cards... an offer to come up for breakfast... but the most touching, I was playing in Thomkins Square park, Bobby (see my song Bivouac of the Forgotten) Vinny (see the posts about the Native American harmonica player in the hospital) and about six other fellows who were down on their luck and living on the street and drinking their meals... were all sitting on a bench listening intently. As I was packing up, they had a wee huddle and between the six or seven of them, scraped together pennies, dimes and such to put something in the case... that was the most meaningful thing to wind up in the case.