The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1262562
Posted By: sledge
02-Sep-04 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Daylia, don't be so dissmisive of the Scientific medical community. In the past when "natural healing" was all that was available to many communities, infant mortality was very high, 50%+ or more, a person in their mid 40's was considered old, not to mention a raft of diseases that used to kill off millions . Now we have low infant mortality, a population of ever increasing longevity and treatments that stop a simple infection from being a death scentence.

For example, Smallpox, it used to kill 30% of those who contracted the disease while blinding a large number of those who lived and scaring just about all the others, a scientific program of vaccination meant that the last naturally contracted case was in 1977 with one further case contracted in a lab the following year. Thats what science can do, its proven and not just anecdotal.
