The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1262597
Posted By: sledge
02-Sep-04 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
It was A reflex I suppose that the caps lock went on, but then having worked in medicine for aound 23 years I guess I have an instinctive respect for it.

During my time on Hospital wards I nursed quite a few who were grateful for those strong opiates, especially those who illnesses were terminal. And those strong drugs have also seen child cancer survival rates increase by around 20%, thats quite a few relieved families I reckon, better they buy a wig following chemo-therapy than a coffin. And that 20% has come about from years of hard work by white coat wearers using science.

I wonder if our guest would trade in those massages for the medical/scientific side of things if they were lying in bed, their body ravaged by cancer or with their failing liver slowing poisoning the body.

