The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1262640
Posted By: *daylia*
02-Sep-04 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
A. New Age "medical" therapies often seek validation by inclusion in tax supported plans and institutions. Since these "therapies" are usually unproven or disproven, we see this as a theft of public money and an erosion of what science itself means.

    B. The risk of death or permanent disability from New Age "therapies" is unreasonably high.

    C. New Age authors constantly seek validity by claiming to be "scientific" and using pseudo-scientific jargon. Opposing this is a simple matter of correcting facts.

I'd appreciate if you posted some credible evidence to back up these claims, mack.

Yes, there is great fear ... even hatred and bigotry ... within the Western medical establishment and their pharmaceutical cohorts toward Eastern healing methods. Why? Because they're so simple and they work! Anyone - man, woman or child - can learn them if they have a mind to - and practicing them greatly reduces - in some cases even eliminates - the need to rely on pharmaceuticals, surgery or any other invasive, painful - not to mention expensive - Western medical procedures.

Why is there so much debunking and ridicule in the scientific community about so-called "New-Age" traditional healing methods? I highly suspect it's for the same old timeless and
hypocritical (according to the Hippocratic oath) reason ....

