The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1262725
Posted By: Wolfgang
02-Sep-04 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
I consider the rape analogy offensive, Shambles, for two reasons:

(1) To compare the pain of a rape victim with the 'pain' someone suffers when a stupid or offensive posting is deleted lacks any sense of proportion.
(2) Any editorial measure here is clearly a reaction and not a whimsical action. Something has happened before. So have a close look at your analogy and you'll see that, in consequence, you seem to think that a rape usually is a reaction upon some provocation. I would have thought that that old thinking 'she did ask for it' was no longer in use, not even in bad analogies.

If you complain that people jump on your analogies, perhaps the reason is that you have nothing new to say except saying the same all over again, each time with a worse analogy. You seem to think we do not understand yet, if you feed the same content all over again with slightly different words. We understand but have a different opinion.

The analogy I see is to a four year old who asks "But why can't I have an icecream" and after being told about half a dozen times still asks the same question. Four year olds do not use the repetition of the same content as a mean of argumentation but simply want to get on someone's nerves in the hope that they get what they want simply because the sound of them shutting up is such a nice change. There is one big difference: acoustic noise is more difficult to ignore.
