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Thread #72996   Message #1262787
Posted By: GUEST
02-Sep-04 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
You are right mack. I read the article, but with plenty of skepticism. Why the skepticism? The banner at the top of the page with the photo of the "Skeptical Enquirer" magazine cover tells me it is a "skeptic" movement website for debunking New Age beliefs, but not conventional religious beliefs. As I said, I see them as being just as lunatic fringe as much of the New Age stuff. If they were willing to challenge the religious belief systems of orthodox religion as stridently as they do New Age believers (many of whom are deeply religious and continue to practice their conventional religion in addition to believe in some New Age ideas and practices), I might give the article the time of day.

As with anything, one needs to be well informed, and a critical thinker. That includes being well informed about the "skeptic" movement and it's agenda.

You even mention, mack, that the woman in the article got exactly what she expected for denouncing her former way of life/system of belief. With all the enthusiasm of the newly converted, I'm sure.

So why would anyone lend particular credence to this woman's story, when the outcome met her own, and most reasonable thinking peoples' expectations? Of course someone who leaves the fold and then denounces it to those considered to be it's mortal enemies is going to meet with condemnation from those she left behind.

Duh, eh?