The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72970   Message #1263197
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
03-Sep-04 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: children's music at folk festivals
Subject: RE: children's music at folk festivals
As the owner/operator of a child who can't sit still for more than 12 seconds at a time, I second (third, whatever) the dancing room.

It also helps if the 'turn' doesn't ask the child to leave because they're "disturbing those who've paid [to see me]" when a) no-one else had complained and b) child associates said turn with a TV programme teaching schoolchildren how to do English Country Dancing..... You know who you are and I've never paid to see you since!

A tolerance from the rest of the audience would be appreciated too. After all, if they throw out families/children, how will they learn to behave or appreciate the music?

I agree with the coloured Rabbits, having the parents there can restrict the activity and the child can feel inhibited. At Towersey, Shooting Roots (or whoever it was) had the children rolling round in the mud in bin bags - how many parents would agree to that happening?!
How many parents would join in?