The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1263319
Posted By: *daylia*
03-Sep-04 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Like Karla McLean, I too have encountered more "new-age" charlatans, bogus theories, rip-off artists, psychic robbers and truly dangerous psychopathic ego-driven so-called "healers" than I can count over the last decade or so. In my exploration of energy work I've been lied to, scammed, robbed, sickened and attacked via various mysterious "magickal" and "shamanic" methods almost to the point of no return - and as I recovered from all those terrifying and painful experiences, I learned. I learned what works and what doesn't, what's real and what's not, who to trust and who to stay away from.

And of course I have encountered the skeptics as well, the ones who ridicule and debunk any approach or theory except those currently deemed "acceptable" by the scientific community. In fact, the most formidable skeptic I've ever encountered is the one between my own two ears!

But unlike Karla McLean, I see no reason to amplify the differences between the two groups in my own mind, to call these differences a "war" between "two cultures". These groups spring from and express exactly the same culture - and that is C20 Western culture. And it's not a "war" imo, but simply a difference of terminology, approach, experience and opinion.

There are plenty of so-called "new-age" healers and authors who do bridge this perceived "chasm" quite successfully. Ted Andrews and Gregg Braden are the first that come to mind.

Karla's problem reminds me of a rainbow. A rainbow could be perceieved as bands of VERY different colored light presented side by side, in harmony, to form a unified whole - or it could be perceieved as those same bands of very different colored light side by side in raging conflict, forced by the uncaring hand of nature to present together as a unified whole.

Now, what's the most common motivation for starting or engaging in a "war"? Money, and territory. I bet Karla is hoping to capitalize LARGE on her new book, her perceived "war". But she'll have to make her fortune without my help. I found nothing new or useful in her article - just the same old boring "poor me" whining and finger-pointing.
