The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1263383
Posted By: catspaw49
03-Sep-04 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Sweet Jesus sucking on a watermelon seed.............

First you want answers and when you get them you want to debate them because they aren't the answers you want. While they may be the truth and the reality of the situation, they do not match the Shambles answer so they are wrong. You have answers from the inside, outside, left side, right side, upside, downside, sunnyside, shadyside, trackside, wayside, east side, west side, all around the town. You even got an answer from a side of beef immersed in 55 gallons of cider.

From Jeri and Wolfgang to McGrath and Bill D, you have received all kinds of reponse but nooooooo.....not enough and they don't match what you want. Joe gives you a factual answer of exactly the reality of the situation and you don't like it either. More debate is required. Yeah, fuckin' ass more debate......If that horse you're beating gets noticed by the local constabulary, you'll be arrested for abuse of a corpse!

If I am being abusive to you....GOOD!!! Perhaps you will understand better because you HAVE to be masochistic!!! You have been told in a thousand ways that no one else much cares but you continue. Well that's okay I guess.....You deserve your opinion! But let's look at your last line in your last post:

"Enough judgements of our worth by volunteers who do not in turn feel they and their action should be judged by those they have volunteered to serve. Priviliged indeed. Max - as our creator and the site owner, is entitled to that sort of privilige - no one else."

Yeah, enough IS enough....on that I can agree! I could not possibly have said it better. It's beautiful and factual. Indeed, enough is enough. You then rightly say that only Max has the privilege and right to do as he pleases with certain threads. Again, I agree. As you rightly state, he is the site owner.

It seems though that Max, as is his right, has delegated some of these responsibilities to others that he trusts to handle them as he would. At this point in time he must be happy or at least satisfied with his choices. After all of this continual harangue on your part, he has chosen not to do anything. Do you think he hasn't noticed? Or could it be that he has and is wise enough NOT to respond to you, knowing full well that any answer that is not YOURS will be unacceptable to you?

Geeziz man, do you belong to any other forums?? If you can find one with much less moderation than this one, let me know what it is huh? Most restrict language and any kind of abuse to members. Most immediately kill entire threads that even begin to get out of hand. Debate of any sort about the judgement of the mods is not allowed and your membership can be pulled for almost any reason and at any time if you fail to play by the rules.

Your right to be right is irrelevant. Your right to be wrong is what gives you the ability to post here. Let it go. Or take it up with Max by PM. No one else can possibly give you the answers you want...but may fail to get.
