The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73011   Message #1263411
Posted By: Willa
03-Sep-04 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Must I Be Bound
Subject: Lyr Add: MUST I GO BOUND? (from June Tabor)
The posting at the top of the thread was made when I'd not been singing long, and was not aware of the importance of references to sources, or of the wealth of knowledge that some of you 'catters have. (It's been a steep, but most enjoyable learning curve!) At this distance in time, I'm not sure that I can find my original source, but I'll have a look the next time I visit our local music library.

I do have June Tabor's 'Quiet Eye' and her version is very close to the one I posted. From the sleeve notes:^^

Must I be bound while you go free?
Must I love one who never loved me?
Must I enact such a childish part
And follow one who will break my heart?

The first thing that my love gave me,
It was a cap well lined with lead.
The longer that I wore that cap,
It grew the heavier on my head.

You gave me a mantle for to wear,
Lined with grief and stitched with care.
And the drink you gave me was bitter gall
And the blows you gave to me were worse than all.

And the last thing that my love gave me gave me,
It was a belt with colours three.
And the first was pain and the next was sorrow
And the last it was sad misery.

But I will climb up that high, high tree,
And I will rob that wild bird's nest
And I will fall without a fear
And find me one that loves me the best.

Repeat V 1

I'll try an ABC version. June sings it a fifth lower, but I think this would be more comfortable for most people.

Tempo: ¾
Length; 1/8
Key: A min (?)