The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72902   Message #1263796
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
03-Sep-04 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Some Conservatives think of Bush
Subject: RE: BS: What Some Conservatives think of Bush
you can't kill all terrorists. you can't know ahead of time who all terrorists are and pre-emptively kill them. they don't all look alike, think alike , or act alike. to think that these things are possible is a fantasy.

the only way to control terrorism is to gather all the nations facing this threat and work TOGETHER to use all the resources available to accomplish this. nations will not work with people who present them with boneheaded bullying attitudes like "if you ain't with us yer with the terrists!".

a lot of the fighting in iraq right now is being conducted by iraqi people (not "terrorists") who object to the occupation of their "soverign" country.

the main reason conservatives and any one with a lick of common sense should wish for GWBs early retirement is because of his absolute INCOMPETANCY in conducting the war on terror. the fact that he offers that as his strong point and people actually believe it is astounding and a testament to the power of marketing and advertising.