The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1263905
Posted By: *daylia*
03-Sep-04 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
I understand why my "sweeping anecdotes" (that must mean the Reiki treatment I described in my first post?) convince no one.

All the second-hand opinions, reports and "empirical studies" in the world could not possibly have convinced me that techniques like Reiki or Huna work, or even that such as thing as mana (life-force energy) exists unless I'd had my debut - meaning at least one first-hand physical experience with it! (I'd tell you how that happened, but I'd rather not "sweep" anyone away again)

Others, perhaps not caring for the bother and risk of a first-hand experience (one which just might change their understanding of themselves, their lives and their world FOREVER no less! shudder shudder) are content to sit on the sidelines observing, analysing, demanding someone or something else feed them "proof" which they may or may not deem "acceptable" - and then systematically rejecting any "proofs" offered till the cows come home.

Well, that's fine too.

Certain people, or personality types do respond quickly and easily to traditional spiritual/energetic healing methods like Reiki and Huna, while others do not.

I know which group I belong to.

Do you?
