The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1263966
Posted By: GUEST,fred miller
03-Sep-04 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
The Villan, didn't you start this thread? Was nothing much going on in the world then? It seems rather odd, and a bit rude of you to introduce such a serious, shaming, but rather unrelated announcement, now, into a rather silly hypothetical discussion you proposed.

It reminds me what I like and respect about some of the 'rudest' matter that gets posted. Often when we suppose ourselves to be speaking in a reasonable and polite and inclusive way, we just really aren't. Polite language often excludes, even precludes different fundamental ideas and attitudes. It says, in effect, To participate you must accept our premises and speak from where we have placed you in our scheme of things. And that to very much disagree you must, much to your disadvantage, explain your entire other paradigm, and wholly account for youself--all of which we don't plan have much patience for, anyway. We'll nit-pick you to death before you get started.

That's why I suppose some people signal their point of view rudely and crudely. They don't care to apologise at great length for not sharing a more generally accepted view. You have to read the subtext of this. Haven't you ever seen a boardroom full of soft-handed sons of bitches politely being utterly obscene? Anyone who doubts that polite language can also be obscene and completely offensive, even much more so, is unfamiliar with political discourse, the daily doses of mendacity, or is simply not thinking about it, really. Or choosing not to. Some people, however open-minded they like to imagine they are, have just never had to hold their own mind when surrounded, have never really been the Other, but like to congratulate themselves for fake second-hand wisdom they've never had to actually learn for themselves.
   This is why I don't like smarmy political jokes (unless they're really good jokes) and why I would personally favor letting racist remarks stand, if there was a wider range of races participating--which I don't think is the case. As it is, it seems to me the best, slightly imperfect, somewhat compromised, but within reason, judgement is at work here, more or less.

   This is why I think I like the mess. To y'all, with love and squalor. Gosh darn it.