The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1264173
Posted By: catspaw49
04-Sep-04 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Shambles, do you not understand that Max is the only person with whom to discuss or debate this? What I say or Jeri says or Wolf says or Joe says is completely unimportant.......It is only what Max says that matters here. He has been open enough and caring enough to give us a place with great latitude where he rarely inflicts his will. But make no mistake, the site is his and were I in his position I would wonder what it is you are complaining about!

Big picture? What is that? If it is made up many little pics and the people involved in the little pics are happy, what is wrong with the big picture? It doesn't make sense. Only if you are saying this does it make sense: "Although these people are happy, there are too many instances of this happening, therefore the big picture is bad, although the small pics are all good." Then the question becomes how much is too much and once again the only person who can decide that is Max.

Personally I think you need to go out and try debating this shinola on another forum more typical of the net. Maybe then you could see just how minor and trivial your gripes are here. If what you say is happening 25 times a year here, I would still consider that very low taking into account the volume of postings and the great leniency given in the first place.

And once again, if this is simply too much for you, go find or create something nearer to your ideal. I'd love to see it. Ya' know, Jon Freeman did that and I think he did a great job. Jon created what Jon wanted and made it work.
