The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1264442
04-Sep-04 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Jaysus, Shambles. You remind me of a German Shepherd I oce had. She damn near drowned trying to bring a log into shore. It was a freshly-felled birch tree. Darn dog just wouldn't let it go. The tree must have weighed 200 pounds. The dog weighed about 70. Good dog: loyal and determined. However, at times I questioned how bright she was.

Jeri, Wolfgang, BillD, Spaw, Joe, none of these people presume to be the last word on ANYTHING, so why worry about it. They were just giving some advice and contributing thoughts on an issue. But right now, we all pissin' into the wind. There are ooccasions when censorship can be employed for the general good. Is it always perfect? NO! But, it's a damn sight better than you'll find anywhere else on the 'net, IMO. I admire tenacity. But, there are times I really gotta question the 'fundamentals' of some people. The fat lady has sung. Let's do a round of "Goodnight, Irene" and move on.