The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72989   Message #1264555
Posted By: DonMeixner
05-Sep-04 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: A new level of terror
Subject: RE: BS: A new level of terror

I guess I just can't figure out a way to answer you on this. It just doesn't matter what I say. You and others will say it's too little or too late or too typically American.

Since you don't know me you don't know what I feel. Or how this has shocked my family. You don't know what American Churches will be saying today when their congregations file in. You don't know how American ethnic communities will join together and send what ever help is needed to the afflicted.

I can post a rant here about how awful things are. About how evil has raised it's head and Americans are doing nothing to help fight the villians. But beyond a great group revelation of shock and shame it will be a hollow rant with no real power to resolve anything.

Like most people around the world you only know Americans by our governmental process and our military presence and the way we are portrayed in your press and on your TV. You only know the Americans who go tourist around the world and spend American dollars and behave baddly like... tourists.

You don't know the Americans who stay at home and give blood or clothes or send medical supplies to Estonia or computers to South African Schools. You never met my family who annually sends a few thousand dollars to The Heiffer Project. Go ahead and whine that thats typically American to send money. But it is money we have and there are many in need. If I gave $100.00 to a Montagnard family it would be taken away by their headman in the village or the larger government in power. But if I give that money to Heiffer that Monagnard Family gets chickens and seed and tools.

But since you don't know me or I you I guess I have to expect insults
because you are as frustrated as I and you know just how powerless we are to do anything against such inhumane actions by terrorists against so helpless a victim.
