The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1264624
Posted By: Two_bears
05-Sep-04 - 05:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Here are some facts for the people who dogmaticaly cling to scientific theory.

FACT: May 7th I was 8 days old, and I went through the windshield of the car and across the road. My Mother and sister were killed, and my right eye came completely out of the socket.

FACT: May 12th; the doctors had put my eye back in, discovered that my pituitary gland at the base of the brain was injured, and given me a 0% chance of survival. and if by some miracle I survived; I would never be anything more than a vegetable.

FACT: June 1995; I was in a car accident, and my Aunt had left her umbrella on the dashboard of the car and the umbrella hit me on the side of the head. I was not hurt in the accident; but my doctor wanted me to have an MRI (just in case the umbrella had done more damage than first thought).

FACT: June 1995; I take the MRI results to my doctor, and he findsa 6 mm tumor on my pituitary gland. The doctor wanted to do surgeryl but I would not permit it.

FACT: February 1998; my pituitary gland completely shut down, and I am in the hospital and only days away from death. Since the pituitary is the master gland; it produces 6 different hormones over one's life. one is HGH, another one causes puberty, another one is precursors that activate the thyroid gland, and I'm sure the other three hormones produced by the pituitary activate and balance the other glands of the endoctine system. My doctor put me on 15 mg of Cortef, and 100 mcg of Synthroid, and gave me perscriptions of Potasium, and another drug, and told me categorically that I would have to take those for the rest of my life. in 6 months; the drugs had destroyed my quality of life, and I had added 30% to my body weight.

FACT: February 1999; a friend suggested I study HUNA. I read a few books by Madeleine C. Morris, Max Freedom Long, and Scott Cunningham, and I told my friend the following about HUNA "Not only no; but HELL NO!"

FACT: in July 1999; I was obese, depressed, and eating a starvation diet of 700 calories a day (A Big Mac used to have more than 1,100 calories!), and STILL gaining weight! I stopped taking the medication, and after 6 days without the medicationl I was on death's door, and in the hospital again with my kidneys and bowels shut down. (I was not practising HUNA then. Only Reiki, Actualism, Qigong, etc, and all of those use mental lifeforce energy and not spiritual lifeforce energy). I persuade my doctor to take me off of of the medications (potassium, and the other one I do not remember).

FACT: August 1999; Cortef and Synthroid STILL destroyed my quality of life;; but by recognizing the symptoms of my health problem; and only taking the medication when my body sent me the symptoms to take the medication. I began taking the medication every three days, and supplementing the healing with Reiki; (so I had one day of hell and two days worth living).

FACT: March 2000 I was still using Reiki; but a friend introduced me to Crystal healing. By placing an amethyst in my water bottle (and another one under my pillow at night), using Reiki, and taking the medication when I felt the symptoms; I was able to to take the medication only once every 7-10 days.

FACT: October 2000; I was outside praying to the Great Spirit asking for guidance, and I had two mystical experinces in two minutes.

1. Three mourning doves flew up while I was praying, and they landed no more than 7 feet from where I stood, and proceeded to walk around my feet as if I were invisible. After a bit of time; I remembed that the dove is the symbol of peace, and in HUNA there is one commandment "Harm nothing with hatred", and there were three doves, and I remembered in HUNA there are three selves (Unihipili, Uhane, and 'Aumakua. Serge Kahili King calls then Ku, Lono, and Kane).

2. I asked the Great Spirit if the doves were a sign that I should study HUNA; for the wind to stop, and the wind stopped in 5 or 10 seconds.

I finished the prayer, and thanked the Great Spirit for the guidance I had received, and ended my prayer. About 3 seconds after ending my prayer; the doves noticed my presence, and flew off in a big hurry.

Fact: October 2000; I found much better HUNA books written by Charlotte Berney, Allan P. Lewis, Clark Wilkerson, etc.

"Hawaiian Magic" by Clark Wilkerson was written in 1968, and I have seen this book sell for as much as $500. Right now; there is a copy of "Hawaiian Magic up for bids, and has 6 days left. The auction # is 3928523694, and it has 15 bids from 6 or 7 different bidders, and a top bid of $150!

Fact: November 2003; I gave a HUNA workshop n Atlanta, Ga, and after spending 6 hours to teach them the spiritual technology of HUNA, and each of them received a healing, and participated in doing a healing for the others; then I told then about my little friend on the pituitary gland. These students were not professional healers, and all the knowledge they had about healing was the 6 hour workshop, and first hand experience they gained by doing.

Fact: September 5th 2004: Since November 2003 at the HUNA workshop; I have only taken my the medication a total of 6 times, and I did not really need to take the medication two of those times.

I took the medication in April before visiting a friend out of state, and I took the medication before going to Canada in July. (I did not waht to have to take my medication on the trip and have to go through a day of hell, and far away from home.

With these FACTS, and a plethora of first hand experiences; I have the following to say to the debunkers who dismiss natural healings out of hand or try to dismiss individual healings as anectodal "Everyone is entitled to their opinion; even when they're wrong" or "There are only two opinions that matter to me and neither of them is yours!"

ANL - 2B