The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73046   Message #1265083
06-Sep-04 - 02:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: New poll shows Bush ahead by 11 points
Subject: RE: BS: New poll shows Bush ahead by 11 points
Bush can't speak English. It would be in his best interests to participate in the debates. If he gets to choose the translator, what's he got to lose? Nothing. He'll have every thing to gain.

For example, "What do you see as being a way to get Americans working again?"

Kerry: "Invest in our economy. Tax cuts for lower-income earners and the working poor will free money to restimulate a flagging economy."

Bush: "Give billions to Halliburton and hope that a few bucks trickle down to the slobs who voted for me."

Translator: "Invest in our economy. Tax cuts for lower-income earners and the working poor will free money to restimulate a flagging economy thus easing the burden on poor people."