The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1265242
Posted By: Two_bears
06-Sep-04 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
There are no "pain receptors" in brain tissue itself. Brain surgery is often performed while the patient is awake and conscious. Do you mean that the woman's scalp was not anesthetized, but she was given life-force energy (using QiGong) instead?

Daylia: In the video it was reported that the woman being operated on was NOT anesthetized at all, and the video explained why the surgery had to be done that way.

Yes; I was aware that there are no pain receptors in the skull or the bone.

Somebody ought to say a few words in defense of The Amazing Randi, I suppose. The practice of using stage magicians to investigate paranormal claims is well established. AFAIK it started with Harry Houdini. He wanted very badly to believe we can communicate with the dead. But every medium he investigated turned out to be a fraud.

Mack: Are some or even MOST so called mediums frauds? this could be; but does NOT mean that ALL mediums are frauds.

About the magicians investicating the paranormal is non sence. the problem with magicians testing the paranormal is because they find ONE way to fake it via illusion; they infer that ALL mediums use that method to fake it.

The way to test mediums is to go to a medium, and then after the paranormal event; examine what is in the room for ways of fakery.

Two Bears seems unimpressed by the scientific standard of evidence. What can one say? It's the standard that brought us all of modern technology. It works. Consistantly.

Mack: That's not it at all! Science has given humanity an almost twice as long life expectency, and a much better quality of life.

I just do not trust scientists to explore the paranormal; because the mothers milk of scientists is MONEY, and receiving grants for studies.

If a scientist was to walk out on a limb and confirm something not accepted in the current field of sciencel they would never be able to work in their field again.

Two Bears, you never have gotten it. Simply your argumentative tone alone is enough to convince me that your "healing" techniques are preaching to the choir and not seeking converts.

SRS: I am not being argumentative. When I am being argumentative; you will know (an example was the other thread where I called you "intelectually dishonest"). I am passionate about this spiritual technology because I have seen it work time after time after time. All I want is to raise the blinders of other people and show them this spiritual technology that can explore, and decide for themself if this works or doesn't work. I am fond of saying "They get to be the judge, jury, and prosecutor.".

preaching to the choir? Not hardly. It has worked on MANY people that were complete disbelievers' but if you had read the incident of Tammy F's hand CAREFULY; you would have know that. At the beginning she said "I don't believe in that crap" 3-4 minutes later she had her right hand working again, and her expression was "Damn! This is cool!"

text is no doubt as you report it. Self-reporting is a selective process and allows too many loopholes for those who want quantified proof from more than one source. Science asks for the ability to

Do you want to come over and have me take you to meet my doctor? and show you my medical record? I will. Put up or shut up.

That bridge as you describe it is one of blind faith, and is built all on your say-so.

Absolutely not! I teach people who and what they really are; then they take this spiritual technology and test it until they either accept this technology is real or reject it (just like I did). Disbelievers have nothing to lose except their disbelief.

I happen to think a great deal of idiopathic healing takes places when people with illnesses have a positive outlook and have managed to channel their energy constructively.

Would you please define "idiopathic"? I am a simple man and do not have any degrees.

People CAN channel their own energy via creative visualization, or meditation and direct their energy to heal their body (the Hawai'ians would call this energy mana mana). I am living proof of that.

However; there is a spiritual technology where people can take that basic mana and mana mana and transform that basic mana and mana mana into mana low that is MANY times more powerful that the method described above.

Two Bears, thank you for the most interesting links

You're quite welcome.

Karla's statement is a sweeping generalization and (therefore not surprisingly) just plain wrong. I know first hand that there are MANY in the so-called "New Age and metaphysical community" who very wisely embrace a "skeptical viewpoint". Including myself.

Absolutely correct Daylia; I myself was a convinced athiest until 1996 when I had my OBE that proved to my satisfaction of life after death, and giving me a spiritual awakening.

When I was learning Qigong 31 years ago; if Tsang had said "in 30 years you will be laying hands and healing the sick; I would have said "Oh yeah; where can I buy some of whatever you have been smoking?"

In 1999 when my friend introduced me to HUNA; I read a few books and told him "Not only no; but HELL no!" I did not accept this spiritual technology as real until it had been proven to work.

Two Bears, the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy is a comprehensive and informative read, with an extensive bibliography. Thanks for posting the link.

My pleasure Daylia.

Well, I never thought I'd see the day I'd be rooting for the W ... oh never mind ...

I don't like Bush, and I like Kerry even less. There are about 100 men and women I would like to vote for before we get to tweedle dum and tweedle dumber.

A. I'm pleased to announed that a google search for "Daniel Wirth + huna", and another for "Two Bears + Daniel Wirth" yielded zero results. A plus for Mr two Bears.

Thank you Mack: Now may I kindly ask that you actually read my website to see what *I* say about HUNA in general and Healing in particular, and learn this spiritual technology for yourself and you decide for yourself of this spiritual technology works or it does not.

ANL - 2B