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Thread #72902   Message #1265338
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Sep-04 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Some Conservatives think of Bush
Subject: RE: BS: What Some Conservatives think of Bush
I didn't say it was "likely", I said it was possible. I have no particular opinion at this point on how likely it is that that occurred. But I do know that from the point of neo-Conservative planners it was very fortuitouis, given the fact that they were planning to launch a second war on Iraq ever since 1996. The WTC attack enabled a public mood in America of support for such a course of action...even though it was not Iraq that was responsible for the attack.

So it's blasphemy to you? Well, consider this...stranger things have happened. All it would take is a few pragmatists in high places who figured they needed a terrorist incident to stir up the public. That doesn't mean George Bush knew about it. He wouldn't need to know about it. Better if he didn't, in fact. Wars have been launched before over bizarre (and in some cases totally fictional) incidents, such as:

1. The blowing up of the Maine in Havana Harbour in 1898. Very handy. Led to the USA gaining an overseas empire from Spain at very little cost. May have been an accident, may have been sabotage...but almost certainly was NOT done by the Spanish, who did NOT want a war with America.

2. The Gulf of Tonkin incident. Entirely phony. Never happened. Used by LBJ to justify massive American involvement in Vietnam.

3. A government group in the intelligence community had on paper plans to arrange missile or bomb attacks on American cities or down American civilian airliners in the early 60's and make it look like Castro did it, therefore providing an excuse to invade Cuba. John Kennedy came across the papers detailing these plans, had a fit about it, and stopped the whole thing dead in its tracks.

These things happen, and the people who arrange them don't really give a damn how many people get killed in the process. They are playing geopolitics and they play to win. You may wake up one day and discover that those you most trusted to protect you have in fact betrayed you.

Not everyone in the government is a good person by your definition or mine.