The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1265403
Posted By: mack/misophist
06-Sep-04 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Dear Mr Two Bears:

You said: Mack: Are some or even MOST so called mediums frauds? this could be; but does NOT mean that ALL mediums are frauds.

It means that Houdini looked very hard and found none who were genuine among some of the most fameous mediums in history. Nobody can check them all.

You also said: The way to test mediums is to go to a medium, and then after the paranormal event; examine what is in the room for ways of fakery.

This doesn't work. The Fox sisters who, I believe, were the first modern spirit mediums confessed that their 'spirit rapping' was produced with clickers strapped to their thighs. Would you ask your mediums to strip?

Then: I just do not trust scientists to explore the paranormal; because the mothers milk of scientists is MONEY, and receiving grants for studies.

If a scientist was to walk out on a limb and confirm something not accepted in the current field of sciencel they would never be able to work in their field again.

You misunderstand the process. All paradign shifts come from some young researcher/s making extraordinary claims. For example, consider quantum theory. It eliminates cause and effect at the quantum level. A form of statistical analysis is used instead. This is what Einstein was referring to when he said "God does not play dice with the universe." Workmanlike studies that extend science incrementally lead to solid careers with no glory. Researchers who lead paradign shifts become immortal. More or less.

Then: Would you please define "idiopathic"? I am a simple man and do not have any degrees.

I suggest you do as I do. There are a host of on-line dictionaries and glossaries. Of course, it's easier to do with the linux multiple desktops. BTW, I don't have any degrees, either.