The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72943   Message #1265452
Posted By: Bo
06-Sep-04 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Tenterden Oct 1/2/3 2004
Subject: RE: Tenterden Oct 1/2/3 2004
If I have my way then the session at the Eight Bells on Saturday could well beat the pevious record of nearly 13 hours.
I wasn't there all the time last year as my duties called me elsewhere but it was really great to see it still in full flow while the landlord was trying to tell us that he wanted to go to bed!
To Barden and Bryant: as you can see I am now a "Catter"   You always told me to join up and here I am. No ill effects so far....... < :"{*!xx$ !!