The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70734   Message #1265619
Posted By: GUEST,Jood
06-Sep-04 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: 51st Sidmouth festival
Subject: RE: 51st Sidmouth festival
I'm writing from Vancouver, Canada and I've read this thread and the one before it. My husband and I are folk dancers, musicians and singers in the traditions of England. We have been to Sidmouth twice in the last ten years, and we would go every year if we could afford it. For many of us folkies over here, Sidmouth is like Mecca is to Muslims, or the Vatican to Catholics. Going there is like a personal musical pilgrimage, and requires as much sacrifice, especially if you're not wealthy. I am horrified that the British government isn't funding this National Treasure that is Sidmouth. There is no other festival like it. All the others are performance festivals. At Sidmouth, you share and learn and participate. And the focus on youth has been brilliant. Every time we have gone to Sidmouth, we have returned home with armfuls of new tunes, dances, songs, contacts, CD's, information, skills, and a renewed enthusiasm that lasts for years. The British government under the auspices of the Dept of Culture, Media and Sport, needs to be nurturing this unique festival, and guaranteeing it's continuing existence. I know that there are lots of arguments against getting government funding, but I think you could consider it. My cousin is spearheading a letter-writing campaign to Tessa Jowell, and I am using the net to alert the folkies over here, who don't already know, that Sidmouth is in peril, and asking them to write to Ms Jowell and to the other political bodies involved. Please know, all of you, that although we are too far away to help on a practical level, Sidmouth is very important to us in the wilds of the colonies, and we want it to continue. In fact, we can't imagine it not being there. When I told a young folkie friend of mine that it was threatened, he said he was very disheartened, as he had always planned to go there one day. See what I mean? If anyone has any other ideas how we over here can help, please let me know, I will follow this thread discussion avidly.
