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Thread #72902   Message #1266098
Posted By: Wolfgang
07-Sep-04 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Some Conservatives think of Bush
Subject: RE: BS: What Some Conservatives think of Bush
After the collapse of the Soviet system in the late 80's, the USA decided it needed a new enemy on the World stage. They chose the Islamic fundamentalists. Why? 2 reasons. Oil and the general Israeli agenda in the Middle East. (Little Hawk)

The Jewish conspiracy to control the world? The Israeli agenda in the Middle East is one of two reaons for the USA to chose the Islamic fundamentalists as a new enemy?

I didn't say it was "likely", I said it was possible. I have no particular opinion at this point on how likely it is that that occurred. (Little Hawk)

You're juggling with words, Little Hawk, and they fall down.
You didn't say 'possible' as you prefer to remember now, you said entirely possible. The emphasis 'entirely' makes a neutral reading that you now claim impossible for the normal reader.

But if you really claim that the neutral reading should be the correct one then you should grant that also to the word 'likely' which is at least as neutral as 'entirely possible'. Have you really not seen the irony that you have used the word 'likely' yourself in your attempt to explain how the word 'possible' should be understood as being different from 'likely'?

A last note about the Reichstag fire. I see this in discussions used, in particular, by Americans as an example for a government doing an evil deed and blaming someone else. You should consider taking another example to make this point. Since a few years, mainstream (and not just Neonazi) research in history has slowly started to rethink this scenario. The main reason for that was the fall of the wall which made possible access to documents about the fire (the Reichstag building was on the East side of the wall) which were not known before. It is not proven (they are still debating) but it is entirely possible, more than remotely likely and fairly probable that this is a communist propaganda lie still believed by Western lefties. It seems the Nazis have not done this particular deed, though there is no doubt that they have used the fire in their sense. When I read the Reichstag fire argument I read it in the new sense: It shows that not in each case someone who profits from a happening has staged it.
