The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73046   Message #1266110
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
07-Sep-04 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: New poll shows Bush ahead by 11 points
Subject: RE: BS: New poll shows Bush ahead by 11 points
DougR - PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!   I NEVER said that Bush did not get a bump. I did say that 11% should not be considered HUGE, even if you are popping the cork on the champagne.

11% after a convention is not huge.   Clinton received a 13% boost in '92, Dukakis had 17% in '88. Compare the results. The polls do not matter. They are a snapshot of a moment in time.

As I said (although I am guessing you did not bother to read), the fact that Bush received even a 11% lead is more indidictive of the Kerry failure to generate the energy he needs to fight the lies that were being slung at him AND to get his message across.   Let's see what the polls say next weekend.

I don't know who is going to win this race. This is boiling down to politics. The kid gloves approach the Democrats used at their convention did not work. The mud slinging the Republicans used, did.   All bets are off.

By the way DougR, did you finally see Farenheit 9-11?