The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72996   Message #1266156
Posted By: *daylia*
07-Sep-04 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Subject: RE: BS: Science and New Age: Bridging the chasm
Idiopathic, as in the definition posted above, in this usage implies that the cure is peculiar to the individual. That something in their own character or metabolism (reason not necessarily known) allowed them to recover.

A most accurate implication! And one which, when seen in light of my anecdotal experience, further implies that all human beings are "idiopathic", ie able to heal themselves using "something in their own character or metabolism (reason not necessarily known)". The ancient Hawaiians called that mysterious "reason" mana, or life-force energy, and understood it's 3 "voltages" (mana or physical/emotional; mana mana or mental; and mana loa or spiritual) as fundametal components of every human being's "anatomy".

Wolfgang, thank you very much for your thoughtful analysis of the Bunnell research. Going by what you have said about the reliability of her "empirical evidence" (or any other "empirical evidence) I hope you will agree that further research/replication of her results is warranted, as with Backster's interesting-sounding work with plants and the healing power of "prayer".

FWIW, I agree with your quote from Dr. Nassim Assefi's article (internist and women's health specialist at Harborview). The on-line research I've been doing over the last couple days only validates my initial hunch - that she is absolutely correct in saying "No high quality studies have thus far been published on the efficacy of reiki for pain.

And I further agree with her in that I also have "... seen some remarkable results from qigong and acupuncture treatments that could not be explained by the Western biomedical model, so I was already open to the possibility of other healing paradigms," as well as her statement I have been impressed by my anecdotal experience; every time I use reiki on patients, [in my case, people] they feel better.

I qualify that last statement by adding that until I had received proper instruction (some years after I was introduced to Reiki), the person I was working on would indeed always feel better - but I would walk away with their symptoms. Over time, my new-found "healing" abilities became VERY sickening to me, to the point where I became so sensitive to other people's physical pains, fevers, illnesses - even emotions and thought-patterns - that I started isolating myself from everyone. Being in public places was an ordeal. I eventually had to take a whole year of sick leave to deal with it - and I'm not kidding. :-(   

Little Hawk can attest to this. He was one of my first Reiki recipients, years ago, and knows the details of my "healing career" first-hand. If a scientific explanation or quick medical remedy had been available at the time, it would have saved a LOT of time and grief - not to mention fear! - that's for sure.
